sábado, 12 de agosto de 2023

Percepção Modificada 699

Programa Percepção Modificada 699

1 - Three Man Army - Two - 1974
2 - Electric Prunes - Mass In F Minor - 1968
3 - Soft Machine - Other Doors - 2023
4 - Humble Pie - As Safe as Yesterday Is - 1969
5 - Blondie - Essential Blondie. Picture This Live - 1998
6 - Mombojó - Homem-Espuma - 2006
7 - Ave Sangria - Vendavais - 2019

01 - Three Man Army - Polecat Woman
02 - Three Man Army - Burning Angel
03 - Three Man Army - In My Eyes
04 - Three Man Army - Space Is The Place
05 - Electric Prunes - Hey Mr President
06 - Electric Prunes - Flowing Smoothly
07 - Electric Prunes - Kyrie Eleison
08 - Electric Prunes - Gloria 
09 - Soft Machine - Other Doors
10 - Soft Machine - The Stars Apart
11 - Soft Machine - Fell to Earth
12 - Soft Machine - Penny Hitch
13 - Humble Pie - Alabama '69
14 - Humble Pie - I'll Go Alone
15 - Humble Pie - As Safe as Yesterday Is
16 - Humble Pie - Desperation
17 - Blondie - Dreaming
18 - Blondie - Fade Away & Radiate
19 - Blondie - One Way or Another
20 - Blondie - Heart of Glass
21 - Mombojó - Fatalmente
22 - Mombojó - Para-Quedas
23 - Mombojó - Realismo Convincente
24 - Mombojó - Vazio e Momento
25 - Ave Sangria - O Poeta
26 - Ave Sangria - Ser
27 - Ave Sangria - Silêncio Segredo
28 - Ave Sangria - Marginal