sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2023

Roy Montgomery

Guitarrista neozelandês de rock experimental e neo-psicodelia.

1995 - Scenes From the South Island: Download

1996 - Temple IV: Download

1998 - And Now the Rain Sounds Like Life Is Falling Down Through It: Download

1999 - 324 E 13th Street #7: Download

2000 - Allegory of Hearing: Download

2001 - Silver Wheel of Prayer: Download

2007 - Inroads: Download

2016 - R M H Q: Headquarters: Download

2018 - Jesus Saves Country Boys Too: Download

2018 - Suffuse: Download

2019 - After Nietzsche (with Emma Johnston): Download

2019 - Scenes from the South Island: Download

Links alternativos (mirror): Download ou Download