sexta-feira, 12 de maio de 2017

Camera Obscura

Banda escocesa de indie-rock e pop.

1999 - Rare UK Bird (EP): Download

2001 - Eighties Fan (EP): Download

2003 - Teenager (Single): Download

2003 - Underachievers Please Try Harder: Download

2004 - Biggest Bluest Hi-Fi: Download

2004 - Keep it Clean (Single): Download

2004 - Underachievers Please Try Harder: Download

2005 - I Love My Jean (EP): Download

2006 - Let's Get Out Of This Country: Download

2006 - Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken (Single): Download

2007 - If Looks Could Kill (EP): Download

2007 - Tears For Affairs (Single): Download

2009 - French Navy (Single): Download

2009 - My Maudlin Career: Download

2013 - Desire Lines: Download

2014 - 4AD Session (EP): Download