quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2016

The Creatures

The Creatures é um projeto paralelo criado em 1981 por Siouxsie Sioux e Budgie, ambos membros da banda inglesa Siouxsie & The Banshees.
Fonte: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Creatures

1981 - Wild Things: Download

1983 - Feast: Download

1983 - Miss The Girl: Download

1983 - Right Now: Download

1989 - Standing There: Download

1990 - Boomerang: Download

1990 - Fury Eyes: Download

1998 - 2nd Floor: Download

1998 - Erasure Cut: Download

1998 - Sad Cunt: Download

1999 - Anima Animus: Download

1999 - Exterminating Angel: Download

1999 - Hybrids: Download

1999 - Prettiest Things: Download

1999 - Say: Download

1999 - Zulu: Download

2000 - Murdering Mouth: Download

2000 - Sequins In The Sun: Download

2001 - Rocket Ship: Download

2001 - Wrapping Red Paper: Download

2003 - Godzilla!: Download

2003 - Hai!: Download